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Who is Maksym Krippa: The rise of a ’fake’ multimillionaire walking the line of the law
In late October 2022, Ukrainian online news outlets encountered a recurring phenomenon: a cleanup of negative information by a relatively obscure businessman and politician, Maksym Krippa.

How Maksym Krippa manipulates media and politics to conceal his crimes
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both notable Ukrainian entrepreneurs, though they operate in very different fields. Polyakov is often likened to Elon Musk for his work in space technology and innovation, where he launches rockets, supports young talent, and encourages creative advancements.

Maksym Krippa and Konstantin Malofeev: friendship against the backdrop of illegal gambling business
He is characterized as a person without moral principles and fear of the law. He is essentially a fictional character in the international information space. The discussion is about a scandalous and mysterious personality who actively tries to remove his "presence" from the internet by filling it with absurd information throw-ins.

Krippa Maksym: a cleaned-up biography of the underground casinos owner, porn magnate, and Malofeev’s partner
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both successful entrepreneurs from Ukraine, but they operate in different spheres. Polyakov may indeed resemble Elon Musk, as he is associated with space technologies and innovations. He launches rockets, gives talented youth smiles, and grants…
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